Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Contact Us - Watch The Episode Live & Unedited! - Take Listener Survey and Win!

We got tons of stuff coming up. Christmas, so that means families, gift-giving, back-biting, the feasting, the presents, the long drives. We know how it is. We do it too. That is why we have gone through our list of episodes and offered a best of GBG both in terms of episodes via download count, and word of mouth back to Jon, Jimmy and myself. Well, I'll let myself say it better below. But let me say before we get the video, that if you have a moment of downtime and need to unwind, and laugh at us or with us, then... we're here to help during the stressful holiday season.


Episode 6: The BS Episode - CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

The Good, The Bad & The Geeky Pilot- The Overcrowded Web of Spider-man - CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

And Now For Something Completely Different… - CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

007 James Bond in Star Wars: The Edge of Proximity - CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

The Best Show You’re Not Watching Returns - CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Episode 32: Applesauce, B*tch! - CLICK TO LISTEN

Lightning B0LTs, Twilight sucks and bELIeve - CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Star Trek: White Supremacist (Is That Glitter Enough For You?!) - CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

One Geek, Two Geek, Red Tube, You Tube

Jon & Nitro Watch Kevin Smith’s Movie about Zach & Miri Making A Porno! - CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Take Listener Survey and Win! Our next drawing is the next normal episode of GBG after New Year's!

Want a quick relief? Need a laugh or want to hum along with nuttiness? Well, we now have some GBG Bathroom Sessions to help as well!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Nothing But Flowers...

Next round of sketches comes from someone who posted a pic of the hamster/gueinna pigs they asked me to draw for them. When I asked what they wanted the hamster to be doing, they said "something hamster-y." I got bored doing that, so after I drew the hamster, I drew the one, well, you know which one I drew afterwards...


Some peeps have been seeing my 'obcession with the TMNT' as something to play against me in a way, cos, I've had a weird request for one of the TMNT as Marilyn Monroe.

Marliyn Mikey Monroe

More Sketches that are backlogged coming...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

He was a Sk8r Boi...

Some sketches from the last two weeks or so....

Some weird but cool, such as this "Skater Boy Version of Godzilla".
Zilla Sk8r Boi

Up next week have Harry Potter, which the request read: "Harri Putar, but not the indian kind."

Harri Putar

This request was simply Spider-man vs. The Symbiotes, so hopefully I got that captured here.

Spider-man vs. The Symbiotes

More will post in the next few days...

Friday, September 26, 2008

First Entry And a Taste!

This is hopefully the first of many. I have been slowly getting trickles of sketch requests ranging from the odd to the normal. This is a place for me to post them for those curious to see what I can offer.

This was asked a few days ago and mailed out just as quick Thursday evening, regarding the fold of Washington Mutual into Chase Bank. This was HIS idea, not mine, in terms of the name of the whale, etc, but... it was sure fun to draw!

Beyond that, this is one from about almost a month ago for a co-worker. He asked for Krusty the Clown vs. Rex from Toy Story using lightsabers.

Got a few more in the pipeline, will post as they come!